18 March 2021
Stop the NHS White Paper that promises further privatisation
It’s time to reinstate our NHS as a fully public service. Profit has no place in our NHS. The Health and Social Care Committee’s inquiry on the Department’s White Paper on Health and Social care closes on Tuesday 23rd. We think it's really crucial that thousands of people respond to this inquiry, saying why you think this White Paper should be withdrawn! Here's how to!
1) Go to the 'call for evidence' here, making sure to say you're 'an individual'. They'll ask for a few details first before asking you to upload a file.
2) Upload this word file (odt version here), add personal thoughts or further information if you want, and then submit! You're done - thank you so much.
Want more information, or to personalise your response?
Here are some key reasons why the White Paper are bad news for OUR NHS in England (and for all the UK long-term)
In 2021, Matt Hancock and Boris Johnson have promised to bring in legislation that will hand over the current organisation of NHS regions to something called 'Integrated Care Systems'. These plans will lead to more of our health services being handed over to private companies. But how?
- These new bodies will commission health services for an area, but they could have private companies sitting on their boards. The bodies have been criticised for encouraging under treatment or rationing of services, as members of the board (which could include private companies) will get to keep any money they don't spend, and they will bring an area under tight financial controls. All of this sounds familiar right? More private involvement, more contracts to private companies and less funding for the NHS to look after people so that they need other, private options.
- It will open the door to more cronyism - yet more contracts would be given to government pals like Serco, as we’ve seen in the pandemic, but without any competition - that’s what the government means by ‘reducing bureaucracy’.
- While key experts say there will be a reduction of 'accountability and democratic oversight' over our NHS, what's even more concrete and worrying for some is that there is discussion of 'sharing' the 'rewards' with private companies. This means money that could be spent on health services will be leaked as profits to private companies.
Want to read more about this?
Keep Our NHS Public have been keeping on top of these developments for years. Here is their campaign page with some great briefings you can read. This is a great summary to start with from Allyson Pollock and Peter Roderick (co-authors of the NHS Reinstatement Bill).
Pamela Knight replied on Permalink
It's immoral to use money intended for the NHS to be side tracked into private companies shareholders pockets
chris thornby replied on Permalink
Stop any further SELLING OFF, LETTING OUT OR HANDING OUT CONTRACTS for NHS Services and Dept, and take back those that have already
Catherine Haskew replied on Permalink
It has been proved during the pandemic, that having an integrated system in health care and social care is much better for the country. The integrated system was broken to some degree by the last Social Care bill and this bill is designed to, once again, break the system further, allowing even more private enterprise to be involved in the NHS. My opinion is that this will give us a much less integrated system and allow private companies to make profits at the expense of the NHS. It has been reported that at the beginning of the pandemic, contracts arranged through private enterprise were not in the public domain and much money was wasted. I say NO to this bill and I feel sure that the majority of the electorate feel the same.
Michael Gould replied on Permalink
It is essential that the NHS is maintained solely for the benefit of the people. No part of it should be sold off for others to make private or corporate gain. The severity of the Covid pandemic should have made this abundantly clear to everyone - even politicians.
Andy Gardiner replied on Permalink
Keep the NHS out of private hands. They do a fantastic job especially through this pandemic
Sandra Devine replied on Permalink
This is Maggie Thatcher's privatisation by stealth. Please stop this now.
Brian Garman replied on Permalink
Halt this slide to further privatisation of the NHS.
christopher hogg replied on Permalink
The conservative party consistently claims that it values our NHS and has no intention of privatising it, despite increasing evidence that it is being privatised, bit by bit. Actions clearly speak louder than words, so back up what appear to be hollow promises by making a first step towards that promise that the NHS is not "up for grabs" by withdrawing this outrageous white paper.
KATHLEEN A FENERTY replied on Permalink
STOP privatisation.
Colin Atkin replied on Permalink
The people can’t let this happen x
Peter Alty replied on Permalink
Don't want to see the social principles of the NHS compromised through having overseas company executives sitting on health boards, or valuable funds being syphoned off to provide profits and dividends for private companies or individuals.
Adam Emms replied on Permalink
OUTRAGEOUS!!! Hands off OUR NHS - it's not yours to sell off!!!
Chris Munday replied on Permalink
No part of the NHS should be privatised.
M Rawson replied on Permalink
The NHS is all about service and careWe must remove the profit motive before its too late.
Hamayoun replied on Permalink
To improve NHS it should stay to public not profit!
Sara Thomas replied on Permalink
Keep our NHS public!
oriel marks replied on Permalink
we must keep the NHS fully publi
Susan Richardson replied on Permalink
The new ICSs will allow private companies to sit on boards which make decisions about resources in that area. This is bound to favour private takeover of services because their workers tend not to have such good conditions of employment (pension, sick pay, etc) as NHS workers. Also their shareholders need to be paid dividends so, all in all, less for our care by the NHS in our ICS area/region.
Joe Stoner replied on Permalink
The complete INTEGRATION of ALL care (from cradle to grave!) should be our goal NOT the further DEMOLITION of OUR NHS!!!
Sue Hatton replied on Permalink
We need a declaration of public services that should never be able to be privatised. These are essential services that don't belong in the Marketplace.
The NHS should be at the top of that list, I am proud this country has such a compassion led system.
Frank Smith replied on Permalink
Most privatisations have been unsuccessful and always have needed support from Govt with profits going to fat cats and /or tory supporters even when they failed.
Jonathan Brooks replied on Permalink
Our NHS really is that AND MUST STAY OURS - meaning there should be NO privatisation within it's services. There should be no organisation making a profit from our health.
It has been tried and proven to be a failure.
AVERIL WOOD replied on Permalink
Sadly thousands of families will have very little idea of just what they are going to lose.In my school days it was not unusual fo you to find that friemd after friend had died, illnesses like ScarlFever Measles, diphtheria, polio and TB were common but there was no money to pay Dr's bills, no NHS, only the prople who could afford to pay were able to visit a Dr. - they simply died, suffering often.If NHS is privatised - already happening - no Paramedics will appear in ambulances,unless you have medical Insurance for each member of a family, which few of us will be able to afford, it will be a DIY job on the roadside if you're lucky and Tories won't give a damn, they've been making that very clear for years but since 2010,start of Univ.credit it has been there for us all to see and recognisewhat their intention has always been, I've paid NHS contribution since 1951 but there is a dwindling number of people who can remember what life was like with no NHS
Richard Cyril B... replied on Permalink
This must be stopped. Any party that did this would be finished.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
No privatisation for greedy individuals.
Paul Neale replied on Permalink
Hands off the NHS
Jack replied on Permalink
Do I want my taxes to go towards helping people in need or shareholders pockets?
Anonymous replied on Permalink
People before profit. Don't destroy what's good.
Richard Coleman replied on Permalink
The NHS belongs to the citizens of the United Kingdom. There is no way it will become a private company's means of making a profit. HANDS OFF
Elaine Jackson replied on Permalink
Please withdraw this white paper bill. Our NHS is precious and should not be handed over to private companies.
Julie Balderstone replied on Permalink
We must stop this white paper and keep the NHS in the public domain.
Janice shand replied on Permalink
Stop the Tories taking this action.
Debby Cash replied on Permalink
This must stop-- immediately!
Chas Hayes replied on Permalink
The ideological commitment to privatisation is a weak argument. Please look at the evidence and place the health of the nation above a system that will risk us heading towards a health system resembling that of the USA, which is one of the most expensive to administer in the world. Its agenda is dictated by the private industries who profit enormously from it at the expense of the tax payer and the patients. This bill must be stopped,it is a betrayal of the country.
Heli Williams replied on Permalink
No Privatisation of NHS. It belongs to us people.
Sue Hill replied on Permalink
Stop them doing any more damage to the NHS.
Ken Wilde replied on Permalink
This sneaky way of privatising the NHS must stop.
Su Budge replied on Permalink
OUR NHS, we've paid for it.
Julia Wands replied on Permalink
This Bill must be stopped. Our publicly-owned and run NHS is the most cost-effective and efficient health system in the world, we must keep it that way. There is no place for profit in the NHS.
Oliver Anderson replied on Permalink
No to more privatisation
Julia Cooley replied on Permalink
It is clear that internal markets as a system are hampering the smooth running of the NHS. A small example-it is ridiculous for instance that a hospital Consultant 's prescription is not accepted at a high street pharmacy. Private companies should not be allowed any access to tax-payers' money yet they are currently. There is still no proper system in this Bill for the NHS to work with social care providers. None of this so-called reform does anything other than take control further from local stake holders and increase the role of private profit- takers. This must stop
Maureen Thomas replied on Permalink
NHS was started for everybody in UK.
It was not stared for profit, it was to help us ordinary people live a healthy life and should remain so.
Sandra Waterer replied on Permalink
The NHS is a public service not a company for profit. A very dangerous bill for the people of the UK.
Jean Pownceby replied on Permalink
This is a total reversal of what our NHS was created for. It is being sneaked in under a false guise that many people are deceived by, or simply unaware of. We need to make the reality of what this White Paper actually means headline news - in no way will it be good for our health.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
If you do this you will be lying again!
Peter Sopowski replied on Permalink
Just told the Committee that The NHS was based on Treatment based on clinical need and benefits, not share/dividend values of Insurance companies, private hospitals or Care homes even. Vast majority of the public do not want more privatisation. They will not be thanked, when they have to pay for insurance or treatment, as we have for what could be done in a GP's room. The alternative in anti-depressants and eventualy mental health care /resources was freely on offer - but not a simple surgical procedure.
Chandra Morar replied on Permalink
Despite the government denying at the time of brexit that this would not lead to privatisation of the NHS,this is now happening.
Susan Walters replied on Permalink
We were told that the NHS was safe in our hands by this goverment! So why oh why is it being privatised behind our backs? Stop this NOW!!!
Dennis Barber replied on Permalink
Matthew Jonatha... replied on Permalink
This is urgent, stop the white paper bill, our NHS needs to be protected from this kind of business/trade.
Cecilia Forster replied on Permalink
As a retired nurse who worked in the NHS the thought of money making American style health, I can’t put care because that’s not how it works is terrifyingThis white paper must be
stopped. Please don’t make health care available to only the rich.
Adrian Thompson replied on Permalink
The NHS is not for sale, for profit. It is not for this shambles of a Government to decide, it is the public to say what happens to the NHS. The Government are the servants to the people, not the other way round
Rosemary Blunden replied on Permalink
As I understand it, the proposed bill is contrary to the spirit of the NHS which provides free treatment at the point of delivery. Indeed it may lead, if passed, to many people having no right to treatment, as in the United States, as they will be unable to afford health insurance, and further, insurance companies are unlikely to provide cover for pre-existing conditions. This Government is already in danger of betraying our health workers after a year of trauma and exhaustion having praised them to the hilt only to reward them with a derisory pay award. It would be wrong for the NHS to be influenced in its decision-making by vested interests whose only aim will be to make profits for themselves without regard for the health of the nation. We have had re-organisation after re-organisation, to no avail just wasting resources. Our NHS has been the envy of the world in the past. Give it a decent budget and leave it to get on with what it does best, taking care of the health of the nation. Maybe then it would be the envy of the world again.
Christine Hesford replied on Permalink
Any issue regarding the whole population needs to be stated clearly on political party's manifesto. Failure to do so legal action should be taken with serious consequences if found guilty.
michael levine replied on Permalink
Before the pandemic there were 40,00 vacancies for nurses and 10000 vacancies for doctors in the NHS.
Attract more of these professionals by not charging them fees for their training. give them grants to live on as well.
Rosaline Robinson replied on Permalink
We have best health service in the world,and we all want to keep it.Boris if it was not for our NHS you might not be here today.Keep our NHS as is.
Malcolm Harrison replied on Permalink
People before profit.
John Blunden replied on Permalink
The white paper appears to me to be contrary to the spirit of the NHS of providing treatment at the time of need without charge . If enacted, it may lead to many people not receiving treatment, as in the United States, as they will be unable to afford health insurance and also insurance companies will likely not provide cover for pre-existing conditions.
Allowing private companies a say in how the NHS is run would be wrong. This would lead to conflicts of interest, as such companies would have the aim to maximise profits for themselves without regard for the health of the nation.
We have had several re-organisations of the NHS under this Conservative Government none of which have shown any benefit since not enough time is given to iron out the problems that might be introduced.
Our NHS was once held up as a shining example to the rest of the world. Give it a decent budget and leave it to get on with what it does best, taking care of the health of the nation, and maybe it would shine again.
Patricia Lyon replied on Permalink
Not all things American is good. Keep faith with the NHS.
SMITH DIANA replied on Permalink
Please make sure this bill does not get passed. Our health service is the best in the world. Please keep the Doctors and Nurses in charge. We do not want anything outsourced. It has worked brilliantly for the past 75+ years.
Jonathan Dirks replied on Permalink
These plans are both outrageous and dangerous and need to be stopped. How much more evidence do we need to show that outsourcing and privatisation of public services does not work?> This is, yet again, the putting of ideological dogma ahead of considering the evidence.
Paula Michelle Piper replied on Permalink
No more privatisation. More public funding is needed. I am a nurse and have seen Serco reduce workers rights, wages and downgrade important roles. Enough.
Christine Stringer replied on Permalink
Please stop the NHS White Paper Bill, it could put healthcare out of reach to thousands of people who could not otherwise afford HealthCare!
susan tideswell replied on Permalink
Haven't the government learnt anything from the expensive and often disastrous use of private organisations? Please withdraw the clauses.
Chris Long replied on Permalink
I was born a couple of months after the NHS was started. I'm a Type 1 diabetic and if it was not for the NHS when I was 14 (when dianosied) I would not be alive today. In addition when I had my first Cataret operation the consultant made a mistake when inserting the new lens. This resulted in another problem to that eye. This has resulted in many operations having to be undertaken since then. The last op happened because I was going blind in my right eye. Fortunately for me a Consultant at Moorfields Hospital di a cone operation on this eye and although not perfect I do now have a degree of sight in that eye.
Something that never used to be able to happen and many diabetics were normally blind before they were 40. Therefore I have an extremely strong reason for retaining the NHS exactly as it is now. Although not hard up I could never afford any sort Of PRIVATE HEALTH CARE - the prescriptions for my diabetic care is unbelievably expensive, which would prove to much for me to buy.
Katherine Faulkes replied on Permalink
How can it be right that firms can make money for themselves and shareholders and cronies when ALL that money should be reinvested in the health service.
s rowena leder replied on Permalink
I have lived for many years in America. We must not let privatization go ahead in this country. It will be such a retrograde step.
Tom replied on Permalink
Please stop this white paper
Wendy Horler replied on Permalink
This legislation ignores under-staffing and under-funding which are the causes of all NHS problems.
It opens up further opportunities for corrupt and incompetent private companies.
Top down management restructuring has cost the NHS so many millions over the past decade , and has not improved services to patients.
Enough is enough!
Umber Khairi replied on Permalink
Please do not allow private, profit seeking firms to infiltrate the NHS. These devalue staff and destroy the ethos of this great service. Moreover isuch strategy might encourage Govt ministers and MPs to award contracts to their friends and donors . And we don’t want that....
Bess Harding replied on Permalink
White Paper – Change 22 March 2021
Involved with the NHS as volunteer for over 42 years, formed local charity, raised money, purchased medical equipment (£5m+) which benefits the local community enabling the setting up of several different units - mammography, CT Scanner, endoscopy unit, HDU, Acute Stroke Unit, ultrasound scanners. White paper must be withdrawn and re-written to include health and social care and re-thought as solely an NHS excluding private enterprise reaping rewards from profits made possible by the public. All profits should be ploughed back into improving services and equipment for NHS to benefit patients. The pandemic has shown how private companies/individuals have reaped in thousands of pounds profit to our detriment and with no care or thought for the patient.
Over 42 years fundraising. Purchased £5m plus medical equipment for local hospital. Private companies/individuals representing private companies should not sit on ICS or be involved in any NHS decision making. Could lead to rationing of services to the detriment of patients who have contributed for many years through National Insurance Stamp. In return we expect a good health service not a rationed one enabling profits to go to private companies who have played no part in putting money in. This was evident during the pandemic when companies secured contracts with no checks made and without any competition delivering inferior items of no use at our expense. All profits must be returned to the NHS to improve services to the general public, to secure the latest in medical technology, employ more doctors and nurses to benefit the general public who have helped pay for it not to line pockets of private companies, individuals and their shareholders.
Management teams have changed over the years from the District Management Team (DMT) who controlled a few hospitals to Clinical Commissioning Groups who in our area amalgamated recently to save money sharing services like HR, Communications and now another layer CCG controlling 5 original CCGs below them. The DMT has always been loitering in the background albeit a change in name. Each starts off as a small unit expanding over the years and with this latest CCG more administrative staff seem to be growing.
People from the community were invited to attend meetings to discuss how the different services should run under the heading Pathways i.e. orthopaedic pathway. These initially were well supported, people eager to help but soon realising it was already decided and they were wasting their time. Consultants were called in to run these sessions.
A consultation was held for two years on the siting of a new acute hospital for the sickest 15% from the two hospitals involved with the remaining 85% of the community staying at their local downgraded hospitals. This started off well but then consulting firms at great expense were called in to research the subject which those attending could have told them for free. People who were keen to give their views and help gradually dropped out and the final choice was what most people did not want due to access. They should use the millions due to be spent on a new acute hospital which will be shared with the Royal Marsden as it needs a general hospital on making the two original hospitals fit to be acute hospitals with full A&E Departments.
The pandemic came at the right time to start afresh with patients occupied by Covid 19. A conference and exhibition took place to discuss a new way of accessing a GP. Several companies put forward their plan. Appointments would be by text, telephone, email or virtual. The GP would respond and if necessary arrange for a virtual appointment. No allowance was apparently given for people who do not have computers or smart phones. This method has been forced on patients (people think it is because of the pandemic but it has been long in the planning) as all GP appointments were suddenly telephone ones and face to face only as a last resort. Many things could be missed when making the diagnosis which would only be noticed face to face.
Hospitals are already telling patients to make an appointment to be seen in A&E. Accidents are not arranged but happen with help often needed quickly. This past year since the pandemic started patients who need three monthly hospital appointments are having them cancelled time and time again (some with heart, breathing or respiratory problems) ending up not seeing a consultant for over a year. This will happen as a means of saving money if private companies are involved.
Testing at swabbing centres for Covid 19 like Chessington run by Deloitte and Serco were often devoid of patients (this was shown on national television, national and local press). These companies were being paid to offer a service and taking money under false pretences. People could not get an appointment there and had to travel a long distance to receive this.
Private companies or individuals associated with them should not be able to sit on decision making boards. American company McKinsey’s associates have for some years been infiltrating hospitals, becoming board members for a term before moving on to another hospital getting on boards and having access to confidential financial information. Some are classed as Financial Advisors. This should not be allowed. There are probably other American, foreign or even British companies doing the same with a view to stripping off assets and any profits making the hospital unviable like is happening to GP surgeries in England already. It is the poor patient who suffers not the private company running services who are the winners and walking away with thousands of pounds. Continually cancelling patients appointments is one way which does not do anything for the patient’s health. It could make them have to resort to private care which many can ill afford. This could be another asset for the private company which has a practice just waiting to see them.
During the pandemic large contracts have been handed out without any competition which often means more contracts for connected people. In some cases the goods have been inferior and of no use.
The White Paper must be withdrawn immediately.
Pamela Cairns replied on Permalink
Stop it now.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Stop this privatisation of our NHS it does not belong to you it belongs to all of us. I live in Britain and admire our NHS as do nations that don't have proper healthcare. We don't want an american health insurance NHS.
Sue Carrington replied on Permalink
Adequate funding needed from the government, not the private sector. OUR NHS IS NOT FOR SALE and should never be for sale, it was created so all citizens could have equal access to healthcare. Already the cuts made to the NHS has seen patients suffer and staff feel totally demoralised - my own daughter, who's dreamt of being a midwife since the age of 6 has only been in the job a year and is already thinking of leaving as the pressures are so great due to low staff levels, the threat of litigation and low morale - this needs to change and it won't if it becomes a profit driven organisation!!
Olivia Agate replied on Permalink
Please reject this bill in its entirety, it will make a poorly funded situation so much worse. Already there are procedures not available on the NHS, where do ordinary people on average or low incomes go ? They will just have to put up with and suffer uncomfortable to even painful conditions. It takes us back to pre Bevan, Great Britain will have many areas that have worse health and health- care than third world countries.
Mick Edgeworth replied on Permalink
The NHS MUST be kept as a public service and not used for profit. Private firms MUST have NO say in it's running or have no control over any part of it.
If the NHS staff were paid a decent wage they would not go to agencies. There is no need to change the present system except to eliminate and take back into public ownership those parts which have already been privatised. I am willing to pay more in my taxes to keep the NHS out of private hands. I would urge all persons to read what happened when Centene took over GP's surgeries (because they couldn't make much profit they withdrew their service leaving thousands without any GP services.
Nigel Agate replied on Permalink
After promising the NHS was not for sale this white paper comes along.There should be no profit to be made;all money should be invested in the NHS?
Patricia Caswell replied on Permalink
A truly integrated National Health Service-including computerised records! Often one hospital or doctor’s surgery computer system in a different geographical area does not “speak” to another hospital’s. Crucial in emergencies
nigel worth replied on Permalink
The NHS only works as a comprehensive system only as Beveridge devised it, a patchwork of private and restricted treatments mingled with public treatments undermines the efficacy, will lead to long term health degradation and if slide rules be out add greatly to future costs.The ethics of need stand alone and are unimpeachable, will remain so and would shame us to think of change
Tony Walker replied on Permalink
Public organisations are accountable (ultimately through Parliament) to the people they serve. Conversely privately run concerns have no such social accountability. At the end of the day they are only answerable to their shareholders.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Profiteering from I'll health is diabolical. Put people before profits every time.
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