18 March 2021
Stop the NHS White Paper that promises further privatisation
It’s time to reinstate our NHS as a fully public service. Profit has no place in our NHS. The Health and Social Care Committee’s inquiry on the Department’s White Paper on Health and Social care closes on Tuesday 23rd. We think it's really crucial that thousands of people respond to this inquiry, saying why you think this White Paper should be withdrawn! Here's how to!
1) Go to the 'call for evidence' here, making sure to say you're 'an individual'. They'll ask for a few details first before asking you to upload a file.
2) Upload this word file (odt version here), add personal thoughts or further information if you want, and then submit! You're done - thank you so much.
Want more information, or to personalise your response?
Here are some key reasons why the White Paper are bad news for OUR NHS in England (and for all the UK long-term)
In 2021, Matt Hancock and Boris Johnson have promised to bring in legislation that will hand over the current organisation of NHS regions to something called 'Integrated Care Systems'. These plans will lead to more of our health services being handed over to private companies. But how?
- These new bodies will commission health services for an area, but they could have private companies sitting on their boards. The bodies have been criticised for encouraging under treatment or rationing of services, as members of the board (which could include private companies) will get to keep any money they don't spend, and they will bring an area under tight financial controls. All of this sounds familiar right? More private involvement, more contracts to private companies and less funding for the NHS to look after people so that they need other, private options.
- It will open the door to more cronyism - yet more contracts would be given to government pals like Serco, as we’ve seen in the pandemic, but without any competition - that’s what the government means by ‘reducing bureaucracy’.
- While key experts say there will be a reduction of 'accountability and democratic oversight' over our NHS, what's even more concrete and worrying for some is that there is discussion of 'sharing' the 'rewards' with private companies. This means money that could be spent on health services will be leaked as profits to private companies.
Want to read more about this?
Keep Our NHS Public have been keeping on top of these developments for years. Here is their campaign page with some great briefings you can read. This is a great summary to start with from Allyson Pollock and Peter Roderick (co-authors of the NHS Reinstatement Bill).
Jane Scott replied on Permalink
The NHS is about people not profit
Gillian Harris replied on Permalink
Absolutely wrong on all counts!
Peter Steward replied on Permalink
OurNHS is not for sale to the USA Big Pharma and insurance companies
Joy Lythgoe replied on Permalink
The NHS does not need to have non clinical board members. Private industry (regardless of business) cannot fully understand how the NHS operates unless they have worked full time for 2 years in an NHS medical setting.
Peter Cooke replied on Permalink
Stop this disgraceful white paper bill now!
Ian Hamilton replied on Permalink
This bill must be withdrawn. One only has to look at what happened with Dido Harding's Track and Trace fiasco to know what happens when a tory government gives public money to private companies.
Ann James replied on Permalink
The British public do NOT want our precious NHS to be privatised.
Everyone knows the faults of the US system.
NO to this bill.
Valerie Ward replied on Permalink
Immediate action desperately needed!
David Kerslake replied on Permalink
The NHS is for the sole benefit of the people .No private company should ever be allowed access to it.Private companies are run for profit and to make money for their shareholders.
Foreign companies ,especially American companies,should be banned.The NHS belongs to and is paid for by the British people.
Charles Round-Turner replied on Permalink
The govt has mistreated our NHS, which still saved us in the pandemic - we need to protect it.
Michael Vince replied on Permalink
Please have a proper conversation with the British public before introducing any further change and DO NOT ALLOW US health companies or consultants near our NHS. We do have competent people here, we do not need guidance from the USA!
Penny Thornton replied on Permalink
Please stop handing NHS contracts to private companies or having people on the health boards who are representatives of those private companies. The NHS must remain a public state service because, as this pandemic has revealed, it is vital to the health & well bring of ordinary people, who cannot afford private healthcare. Our public services, health, education, emergency services are vital and must remain free of private profit.
Sandra McNeill replied on Permalink
Keep private companies out of the NHS.
Karmel York replied on Permalink
We need our NHS. It is the back bone of our country and without millions of us could now afford health care
Ruth Wilson replied on Permalink
If this pandemic has shown us anything, it's that we need a healthcare service that is available to all, a virus doesn't care if you're rich or poor. How many Americans have gone bankrupt in this crisis because they got sick? What sort of society just leaves their poor to die, and how will history judge those that let it happen? No one should be allowed to make profits over healthcare.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Please remove all Privatised concerns from our Health Service.we the majority do not want our NHS Privatised.its there for us when we need it.and cannot afford decent Health care in any other description.
John Bacon replied on Permalink
The National Health Service is there for the common good and not for Profit. Privatisation is not in the Public interest
Juanita Gonzale... replied on Permalink
OurNHS belongs to the people of the United Kingdom and not to private companies to make profit from. Stop this White paper NOW!
Judi Hattaway replied on Permalink
We need to stop this pernicious government dismantling areas of our life that work, and are publicly owned, in order to feather the nests of their supporters.
Richard Kelham replied on Permalink
For all our sakes keep those damned private sector parasites out of our NHS – or suffer the political consequences.
Ruth Parry replied on Permalink
Keep out N.H.S safe say no to this white paper. Remember how much we depend on this service
Ruth Parry replied on Permalink
Keep out N.H.S safe say no to this white paper. Remember how much we depend on this service
Maureen Woodfull replied on Permalink
I waa born before the NHS was. It has served me well having saved my life when my first mammogram found I had breast cancer. The NHS treated it and other illnesses over the years so here I am shouting "DO NOT SELL OUR NHS - PEOPLE BEFORE PROFIT" I want everyone to benefit from a free health service funded by fair taxes.
John & Cath Hanley replied on Permalink
NHS must be for the people and not for profiteering
Adam Pitharas replied on Permalink
This is the NHS paid for and continues to pay for. It is not to be destroyed by any corrupt government that comes along for the sake of profit.
pamela mcleman replied on Permalink
Given the clap for carers response and Tory Brexit promise of 350 million a week to NHS you have no mandate for this. Stop this white paper bill it is a complete betrayal and treachery to British public.
Eve Davies replied on Permalink
Absolutely disgusted with this government putting the NHS out to the highest bidder. Put a stop to it now
Martyn Dormer replied on Permalink
This white paper should be stopped!
John Knock replied on Permalink
The NHS belongs to the people paid for over 73Years. and continuing to do so.
The Government has no right to sell any its services to private companies. that would be day light robbery.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Public services should not be sold for profit.
Rose Sangster replied on Permalink
This White Paper must not go forward,it must be withdrawn for the health and well being of our NHS,it’s workers and
the public it serves.
Susan Dejong replied on Permalink
chris kay replied on Permalink
Privatization is not the answer. The NHS is OUR National service that must be publicly not privately owned.
SANDRA ASH replied on Permalink
This white paper must be halted.
Our NHS must be Comprehensive. Universal. Publicly Funded, by general taxation. Publicly Accountable, by restoring to the Sec of State for Health and Social Care the legal responsibility to provide the NHS removed by the Health and Social Care Act 2012. Most importantly it must be Publicly Provided, by directly employed staff. It must of course be provided free at the point of use.
The White Paper undermines all of these basic principles of our NHS, the finest, most cost effective health service in the developed world.
Kay Arthur replied on Permalink
Keep privatisation out of our NHS. This bill needs to be withdrawn to protect a public service.
Angela May replied on Permalink
The various departments of the NHS must NOT be privatised.
Jim Bennett replied on Permalink
They don't stop. They're determined to undermine and eventually dismantle the NHS.
michele Knight replied on Permalink
NHS is not and must not be a for profit organisation
Sue Tripp replied on Permalink
We've seen the damage and cost that using private providers inflicts - 'test, track & trace' being a prime example. We own the NHS - not the government
Elspeth Clarkson replied on Permalink
Keep the NHS outside private companies control
Catherine Dignan replied on Permalink
How can you sell what you don’t own? Elected representatives and members of parliament are appointed to act as guardians of our resources, not merchants who trade them in for extra cash.
Gerald Ellard replied on Permalink
This is OUR, the UK taxpayers, NHS not big buisiness': keep it ours.
Sally Fereday replied on Permalink
The NHS is funded via our taxes, by the people, for the people. It is not for profiteers.
john r hope replied on Permalink
this has been coming for years, time it was nipped in the bud and stopped
John Knott replied on Permalink
The American model is no exemplar! It is just a way of getting public money into private hands. Peoples' health shouyld not be a profit line.
Keith Arthur Mi... replied on Permalink
Typical of this government! they are only concerned about the bottom line on balance sheets and not about the people that have elected them. Remember this when they come soliciting your vote at the next election!
Geoffrey Richmond replied on Permalink
The NHS fulfils the principle of giving medical care, free at the point of need to all who need it. It should be cherished and protected as one of the greatest organisations on the planet. Will you be the next one to have severe cardiac pain, or loss of function heralding a stroke? No-one knows when that need will arise. Protect the NHS at all costs. It is something as a Nation we should be immensely proud of. DR G A RICHMOND (RETIRED GP).
Nanette Gregory replied on Permalink
The NHS belongs to us. None of it should be privatised.
Wendy fletcher replied on Permalink
peter john Jackson replied on Permalink
Please stop this white paper. We do not want or need any part of our NHS to be handed over to private companies, by direct means or indirect means. Give the NHS the public funds it requires to offer a high level of care, don't continue to starve the NHS of this funding which have in turn led members of the public to seek private healthcare.
Carol Broom replied on Permalink
Stop this White Paper bill. Our NHS should be renationalised and all parts that have been subcontracted out returned to in house. Private companies should have no place in our NHS. Contracting out should be made illegal. It encourages cherry picking by private companies while leaving the responsibility for picking up and remedying mistakes with the state. Private companies are more likely to cut corners as they operate for profit. Our NHS should operate solely for providing the best service possible and for the benefits of patients. Privatisation is profiteering and should have no place within our NHS. Neoliberalism is toxic and is destroying our planet. Remove it from our NHS.
Wendy Dowse replied on Permalink
I have written my comments to the website. Fingers crossed those who read it will take notice!!
Patrick George ... replied on Permalink
Corrupt to the core. Always have been, always will be.
Anna Marie Beresford replied on Permalink
This has to stop self interest?
Ken Low replied on Permalink
No one should be allowed to interfere with the greatest organisation that any government anywhere in the world has ever achieved.
Alison Brooke replied on Permalink
Privatisation means giving private companies the cases/operations that will make a profit and leaving the NHS to deal with the unprofitabe work like dealing with elderly and infirm and performing operations that are lengthy and very costly plus needing a great deal of aftercare. It has happened already but will be extended
Patricia Cairns replied on Permalink
Please stop this privatisation. Our NHS is too precious to lose. We don't want an American style version of a health service.
A Gamble replied on Permalink
Privatisation does not work. If you consider nursing homes in Northern Ireland, 100% of them are privately owned. They are purely in business to make a profit. The salaries for Care Workers are very low, they are only given basic training, there is no career path, etc. WE NEED STATUTORY PROVISION MOSTLY AND A SMALL NUMBER OF PRIVATE NURSING HOMES FOR those who wants to live in a Private Nursing Home and who can afford to pay for care. Self funders pay over 40% more for care in private nursing homes than those subsidised by the local Health Trusts. People are mistaken if they think that subsidised residents on lower incomes pay nothing for their care. Government takes all pensions off subsidised residents, then leaves them with about £27 a week to pay for podiatry, hairdressing, all toiletries, clothes, dental care, purchasing spectacles, etc. and relatives take on a 'Top up' fee to supplement the charges which have to be paid to the private nursing home provider. The care according to the media and reports into abuse in nursing homes is sub-standard. We do not need USA profiting from the public purse, or from those who pay for their own care!
Mohau Kachula replied on Permalink
NHS is not for sale or privatisation!
Brenda Lopez replied on Permalink
The NHS is what makes me proud of Britain
Ron ADAMS replied on Permalink
There is no place in our National Health Service for profit. Making profit from people's illness is a disgrace.
Amanda Midgley replied on Permalink
Leave our NHS alone because we will be lost with out it so keep your hands off
David Polden replied on Permalink
Stop selling off the NHS to the privatesetor
Cherry Lavell replied on Permalink
I am nearly 90 so have used the NHS ever since it began. I hate to think how I would ever have managed through all those years without the NHS, through several hospital operations, various therapeutic treatments, dentistry and so on. The NHS is the jewel of our nation and the envy of many other countries. It must be preserved and nourished, without interference from private bodies whose aim is profit. I consider it immoral to make money out of people's illness or need for care, and I have observed with the greatest alarm the gradual encroachment of private interests on our NHS. I have American friends who regularly have huge medical bills which is a terrible indictment of how illness is seen there as a cash cow. My own dentist recently accepted private money, which must affect the way they see us NHS patients. This government-driven new bill must be resisted with all
our strength. I want it withdrawn forthwith.
Rob Matthews replied on Permalink
Simon Stevens has said of healthcare in England, "this English exceptionalism must come to an end and the NHS must join the global marketplace in health". This 'exceptionalism' that is the NHS, is the envy of much of the rest of the world, it has been an example of 'shared national concern for a nations health and wellbeing' that has been admired and emulated by many. The Commonwealth Fund rated the NHS as the best healthcare system in the world.
When Stevens talks of joining the 'global marketplace' his focus is on the healthcare giants from the USA.
The World Health Organisation rated the U.S. 38th overall in the standing of healthcare provision (a rating below that of Saudi Arabia among others) This makes it a very dubious direction to look for 'improvement', progress or higher standards.
The 'global market' place is about business, and business is about profit. Healthcare is about maintaining a fit, healthy and active population for the wellbeing and productivity of the country as a whole. Healthcare in the UK has been based around this ethos. It has not been based around the idea that the population are a 'commodity' to be used for profit made from their human frailties and the bodily trials of live. Simply, the idea of allowing profit to drive care where flesh and blood become the materials of the industry, is one that is repugnant to the morals of common people.
Even if one were to buy into the concept of private company involvement at a fundamental level, the present Government attitude to contract allocation bears little resemblance to the standard idea of 'market competition'. As the PPE procurement issue (among many other examples) has shown, there has been a contemptable level of abiding to standard practices of tendering and selection. Vetting for appropriate experience, knowledge or ability has been abandoned to the forces of nepotism, cronyism, friendship and favouritism. Indeed the very rules, regulations, guidelines and laws relating to contract allocation have been arrogantly cast aside and ignored in a cavalier way that would make the average Banana Republic despot ruler blush!
With this in mind (and being the present reality) how can such changes be expected to benefit the health service?
Look at the recent acquisition of 49 GP practices in the London region by 'Operose' (the UK subsidiary of the U.S. healthcare giant 'Centene Health') Where was the tendering process? Where was the competition to find 'most appropriate and suitable' provider?
Already GP sessions in at least one of these practices has dropped by 2/3rds. Doesn't look like an improvement does it?
But how did they get the 'bid'?
Previously Simon Stevens right hand person at 'NHS England' leading their "New Care Models Program" was Samantha Jones.
Samantha Jones is now the CEO of 'Operose'. The pieces start to fall into place! It would be funny if it were not such a sickening example 'soft' corruption that has become the order of the day with the present government regime.
After all this, other concerns remain with the proposed White Paper reforms. What about Social Care? There is no mention of how this is to be managed as it becomes incorporated into an ICS from a local council.
Then there is the issue of accountability, scrutiny and public involvement in the ongoing process of monitoring the operation, effectiveness and efficiency of an ICS.
In all successful business, or industrial process, it is universally accepted that continual monitoring and assessment of the operation is necessary to ensure maximum productivity. It is most likely that all such processes (so vital and effective at present) will disappear with the creation of the ICS system. Commercial interests imbedded within an ICS will be able to close the door to public involvement. No more public consultation such as that at GP commissioning groups, Local authority "Health and Social Care, Health Scrutiny" meetings will cease to exist. The commercial elements of an ICS will make it exempt from investigation by 'Freedom of Information' requests.
No, the proposed reforms to the NHS by the establishment if ICSs will not benefit the public, the organisation of healthcare, or the country.
They are an opportunistic grab to control a potential market for profit.
The Government need to be stopped from their high-handed selfish methods of operation.
The duty of government is to manage the affairs of the country for the benefit OF the Country.
This White Paper must be ripped up and a Public NHS Re-instatement bill put in order.
Rob Matthews
Philip Grey replied on Permalink
Why is there ANY private sector involvement in public healthcare services? Drifting towards the US structure is a recipe for disaster, especially in terms of universal coverage and the % of GDP swallowed up!
Jill Bartrop replied on Permalink
The NHS must not be subject to private plundering. All the evidence in privatisation to date has revealed that private companies take over the easiest operations and complications are left for the NHS to pick up. Track and Trace, community GP practices were taken over and then dropped when they had helped shareholders initially. Soon as the conditions changed the Private companies left the NHS and move on.
The White paper again gives the power to private companies to cash in. The American health care system fuelled by private monopoly results in rich private insurance companies allowing individuals to be over medicated and for poorer people no access to care.
Keep the NHS public and fund accordingly. Withdraw the white paper it is unfit for purpose.
Jane Wrench replied on Permalink
Unbelievable deceit! What has happened to "the NHS is safe in our hands"?
Jonk Peter Watts replied on Permalink
We need an NHS that is not controlled by the requirements of business. The NHS has been able to care for the Nation beyond any expectations, have risen to near the impossible. This year has shown that care for the public is a more powerful motivation then money, that the profit motive doesn’t give the performance needed as illustrated by test and track and the provision of PPE. The latter also shows the danger of not having properly transparent procurement.
Jonk Peter Watts replied on Permalink
We need an NHS that is not controlled by the requirements of business. The NHS has been able to care for the Nation beyond any expectations, have risen to near the impossible. This year has shown that care for the public is a more powerful motivation then money, that the profit motive doesn’t give the performance needed as illustrated by test and track and the provision of PPE. The latter also shows the danger of not having properly transparent procurement.
Caroline mclaughlin replied on Permalink
Stop this white paper bill immediately
Patricia Martin replied on Permalink
The White paper needs to be stopped immediately. This is a very dangerous document and must be withdrawn before any more damage can be done.
Philip Mansfield replied on Permalink
You have linked to a .Docx file, this is the latest word file format on the Submit Evidence page it says to submit a .ODT or .RTF format.
Perhaps you shout change the file format back to .RTF as not everyone will know how to do that.
Alice replied on Permalink
Hi Phillip,
Thanks for taking action and for this feedback! We have linked an ODT version alongside the word file, which hopefully will make it easier to submit.
Thanks for being part of our movement for people not profit!
Best wishes,
Alice and the We Own It team
Mel Hargreaves replied on Permalink
Save our NHS
Sheila mantle replied on Permalink
The n.h.s. Belongs to us the people and not for profit to go to private individuals/companies.
Annie Kemp replied on Permalink
This has to stopped . The only thing that is still great about Great Britain IS the NHS
Gail Reed replied on Permalink
Private for pprifut companies will lead to a less caring service and quality of care will drop with limitations on the care available. This bill must be stopped
Tisch Adams replied on Permalink
I say no toThis white paper bill. Don’t privatise the NHS. Private companies want to profit over people’s health.
Valerie Quinn replied on Permalink
This White Paper is bad for the NHS. It allows private companies onto the boards of health care trusts, deciding whether to provide or ration services to the public. This would force more people to have to go private to receive the care they need. It would leave anyone unable to afford private health care without care.
Valerie Quinn replied on Permalink
This White Paper is bad for the NHS. It allows private companies onto the boards of health care trusts, deciding whether to provide or ration services to the public. This would force more people to have to go private to receive the care they need. It would leave anyone unable to afford private health care without care.
Jessica Jones replied on Permalink
This needs immediate attention NO to privatisation of our NHS
Vivienne0 Walker replied on Permalink
We do not want an american-style heath service.
Kay Hinde replied on Permalink
The NHS is a public service and not for private profit. We have already seen examples of people not getting the treatment or care that they need and this further privatisation will only result in more of the same.
Wayne Arbon replied on Permalink
This needs be stopped, will not be good for the people of this country. Standards will drop and people will be made to work for less money/Worst working conditions. All in the name of profit.
Jill Stephenson replied on Permalink
The pandemic has shown us more than everwhy we need the NHS. Not just for nursing the sick but to have the infrastructure for a vaccination programme. Why would you think anything else.
Margaret Gray replied on Permalink
The NHS should be properly funded by the government & not ineffective expensive private companies making profits from ill health. It's outrageous.
Bridget Ash replied on Permalink
There is no room for profit making in our universal NHS. All the funds belong to the funding of treatment,not to private owners or shareholders!
Mary Bate replied on Permalink
Unfortunately the Tories will push anything, even dangerous legislation through Parliament , to stop any and all opposition ! Our civil rights have been decimated!
Ruth Young replied on Permalink
The events of the pandemic year clearly show the strength and value-added of our NHS as opposed to private companies. This bill is based on ideology, not evidence. It must be stopped
Marion Anderson replied on Permalink
re must be no privatisation of any part of the NHS this will lead to a gradual takeover of the NHS putting profit before people, This applies especially to American companies being involved which is n not acceptable. There must also be scrutiny of all contracts being proposed in the future. The NHS is for the people not for profit.
Anthony Rowsell replied on Permalink
The NHS has helped save us from the global pandemic by it's swift, effective actions. With more supportive government it could improve to once again be the best health service in the World.
Simon Chapman replied on Permalink
Our NHS is for us all and something we are proud of. The Lansley changes have been detrimental and further change is likely to be even worse. These changes are unnecessary and do nothing to improve the service for the British public who pay for it and use it.
Anne Elizabeth Papa replied on Permalink
Please stop our NHS be sold out to other Countries
christine wood replied on Permalink
When I was growing up our NHS was the envy of the world and all people in this country knew they had health security. It made us a content country. Governments have been systematically dismantling it for a long time now and since 2010 it has been decimated just to provide money for the elites who really do not need it. I don't want to live in a country that will actually deny some citizens healthcare, to me that is just evil. It is perfectly possible to have a fully funded and amazing healthcare system for all by taxing everyone according to means. The very wealthy have the broadest shoulders and would not even miss their tax contribution. I am sick of this countries wonderful public institutions being wrecked for the sake of increasing the irrational wealth of the super rich. I am fighting for a secure future for my children and grandchildren.
Elaine Simmons replied on Permalink
Please stop this white paper Bill .
Helen Durrant replied on Permalink
We need to fight against the privatisation of all public services but especially of the NHS.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I want an NHS fully publicly funded.All profits being re-invested in the service.No corporations should be allowed to make profit from other peoples' suffering.
Jane Payling replied on Permalink
I cannot believe this government is thinking of selling off our NHS. It is something we are all proud off and they have done more to control this pandemic than any of the other organisations that the government has spend millions on.
Jane Payling replied on Permalink
I cannot believe this government is thinking of selling off our NHS. It is something we are all proud off and they have done more to control this pandemic than any of the other organisations that the government has spend millions on.
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