18 March 2021
Stop the NHS White Paper that promises further privatisation
It’s time to reinstate our NHS as a fully public service. Profit has no place in our NHS. The Health and Social Care Committee’s inquiry on the Department’s White Paper on Health and Social care closes on Tuesday 23rd. We think it's really crucial that thousands of people respond to this inquiry, saying why you think this White Paper should be withdrawn! Here's how to!
1) Go to the 'call for evidence' here, making sure to say you're 'an individual'. They'll ask for a few details first before asking you to upload a file.
2) Upload this word file (odt version here), add personal thoughts or further information if you want, and then submit! You're done - thank you so much.
Want more information, or to personalise your response?
Here are some key reasons why the White Paper are bad news for OUR NHS in England (and for all the UK long-term)
In 2021, Matt Hancock and Boris Johnson have promised to bring in legislation that will hand over the current organisation of NHS regions to something called 'Integrated Care Systems'. These plans will lead to more of our health services being handed over to private companies. But how?
- These new bodies will commission health services for an area, but they could have private companies sitting on their boards. The bodies have been criticised for encouraging under treatment or rationing of services, as members of the board (which could include private companies) will get to keep any money they don't spend, and they will bring an area under tight financial controls. All of this sounds familiar right? More private involvement, more contracts to private companies and less funding for the NHS to look after people so that they need other, private options.
- It will open the door to more cronyism - yet more contracts would be given to government pals like Serco, as we’ve seen in the pandemic, but without any competition - that’s what the government means by ‘reducing bureaucracy’.
- While key experts say there will be a reduction of 'accountability and democratic oversight' over our NHS, what's even more concrete and worrying for some is that there is discussion of 'sharing' the 'rewards' with private companies. This means money that could be spent on health services will be leaked as profits to private companies.
Want to read more about this?
Keep Our NHS Public have been keeping on top of these developments for years. Here is their campaign page with some great briefings you can read. This is a great summary to start with from Allyson Pollock and Peter Roderick (co-authors of the NHS Reinstatement Bill).
Dr Anthony GREENWAY replied on Permalink
NO p;rivate companys to be involved in the NHS in any way at all.
STOP this White Paper immediately!!
Lee replied on Permalink
immediate action required
Ed Holford replied on Permalink
Time the Self - Servatives stopped making deals to line the pockets of their friends and party funders. In all my years I have never witnessed such a deliberate act of vandalism of the NHS by such a bunch of charlatans.
Mai Waby replied on Permalink
The NHS belongs to the public not this filthy mendacious government they have no right to sell off the NHS to do so is a criminal act of theft from public tax payer at large.
Jacqui Morris replied on Permalink
The NHS should not be subject to anymore privatisation, which will ultimately lead to an American insurance based model, this has to stop now. The British people will not stand for this, nor should they
Alasdair Cook replied on Permalink
This must be stopped. The NHS is ours not the Goverenment's to sell off.
MS VANESSA KELLEY replied on Permalink
This is a disgrace, the rich that rule stealing from the poor. evil government
James Ross replied on Permalink
After the Covid 19 crisis there absolutely no justification for our beloved health service to be put in the hands of private profiteers.
Dr Anthony GREENWAY replied on Permalink
STOP this White paper and remove all Private companys from the NHS!!
Georgina Newman replied on Permalink
The NHS belongto 5he people not private companies.
Pauline Leather replied on Permalink
Totally support We Own It with this
Bill Nightingale replied on Permalink
Profit seeking companies have no place in decision making about our NHS. We want a fully publicly provided NHS that focuses on the nation and its health.
Lynne Hignett replied on Permalink
No more cronyism!
Deborah Falzon replied on Permalink
Please don’t pass this bill. Show the people you care.
It’s a NO from me
Teresa Upton replied on Permalink
Say no to cronyism! Save the nhs!
Joan Hale replied on Permalink
This white paper should be stopped immediately the NHS is for people NOT PROFIT.
Doug S replied on Permalink
Private company involvement in the NHS, by definition, means more public money hived off into private pockets instead of being spent for the good of the populace. Needs to be stopped now. God, what a mess we've been landed in by this lot!
Irene Kragt replied on Permalink
We need to keep our NHS as the NHS for our British people, we do not want to be privatised. We have the best health care system for our people in the whole world!!!!
Do not sell it off! As a Government you will not ever again be selected for selling us out to Brexit and Our NHS.. you have constantly Lied!
Justin John replied on Permalink
Leave our NHS alone.
Jeff Mathews replied on Permalink
Privatised services don’t have a very good record in health care in UK and those we import from the USA see us as exploitable consumers.
Moira McGraw replied on Permalink
Our NHS is the Uk’s biggest asset and we must stop the government selling off pieces of it, until it is only the shell of what it was, and meant to be. My fear is we will be left with the extremely basic service, which Johnson will say is still the UKs NHS, and we will be left with the expensive treatments and medication etc all being Private, Those who are in a good financial position, will need Health Insurance, and the rest of us who can’t afford it, will be left to live and die without treatment. This wonderful institution must be kep intact at all costs.
Mr Anthony Byrne replied on Permalink
This NHS is not the government's NHS. It is the public NHS. The government does not have the right to privatise the NHS. We need to protect the NHS from greed.
david stafford replied on Permalink
The NHS is the envy of countries that have privatised health care that causes the deaths of people who they deem too expensive to care for as it would reduce their profits. Health care should rightly be available to all as required and anything less than that has no place in a so called civilised society. In the final analysis the overall health of any society will be downgraded by introducing the profit motive.
Freda Colyer replied on Permalink
This is a very dangerous bill which will destroy the NHS as we know it. It is not what British voters voted for when they elected this government.
Helen Adelaide ... replied on Permalink
I do not want any privatisation of our NHS. You have no right to go against the public’s wishes. The NHS is the best health system in the world. Keep it in the public domain.
Ryszard Sliwka replied on Permalink
Contrary to the claims that privatisation of the NHS would aid efficiency, th nt effect is fragmentation and dilution of expertise and experience of th people should be making th key decisions for the good of the country not personal gain
Philip White replied on Permalink
The creeping privatisation of our health and social care services needs to stop NOW, and we need to "TAKE BACK CONTROL" of our NHS!
Keith Smith replied on Permalink
Boris Johnson is constantly praising the NHS. In fact they saved his life when he had Covid 19. How can he now allow that same group of dedicated people to be taken over by private companies,worse still,American private companies. It is disgusting and this government ought to be ashamed of themselves for thinking such a thing.
Thank You
Terence Franks replied on Permalink
The NHS belongs to the British people & NOT to US private medical concerns - the current Conservative government under Boris Johnson appear to have forsaken the tax funded NHS & therefore also the British people British people who the NHS was originally founded for.
The US private medical corporations need to keep their hands off the EU completely & the complicity of the present British government in that regard needs to be halted immediately !
These privatisation proposals are nothing more than an absolute disgrace !
Kath maggs replied on Permalink
No no noooo....trains, prison service, water companies, British telecom, buses,electricity etc etc....all these privatised under Tory governments just for the fat cats to grow richer.....
NHS has shown how wonderful and necessary it is in this pandemic. It must be saved from these greedy people.
Anonymous replied on Permalink
Tax paid to the government should never be allowed for private profit .
Emma Scarborough replied on Permalink
Leave our nhs alone. This is public money and is not the governments to sell off like this. This is a way to plunge millions of people into debt through healthcare. This is highly unethical.
Sarah Streatfeild replied on Permalink
Selling off OUR NHS for private profit is immoral. A rapacious system where companies make profits from human suffering should be illegal. People b4 Profits!
Michael Routledge replied on Permalink
Josephine Brown replied on Permalink
Our NHS must NOT be privatised.
Please withdraw the White Paper Bill.
It is dangerous !
Gill Stephenson replied on Permalink
No to privatisation of the nhs.
Catherine spink... replied on Permalink
This must be stopped at once . It can only mean profiton the sick and less treatment
Mark OSullivan replied on Permalink
This will cost countless lives and be detrimental to all in the UK except for the uber privileged
Gez Wenham replied on Permalink
I have contributed to the NHS all my working life. Nearly 50 years. NHS belongs to the people not private companies. To sell the NHS off to the highest bidder is tantamount to theft. They cannot go ahead.
Richard Stephens replied on Permalink
I firmly believe the entirety of the NHS and indeed all ‘national public services’ should be owned by the British public, managed and supported by our elected British government-ensuring open, fair and responsible policies and suitable tax funding. Privatisation (by sale or gifting) of pur public sector assets in inherently wrong and will alway create significant clashes of principles and barriers where ROI / profitability become a factor that effects quality, standards and delivery of services.
Stop selling off our public assets!
Sandra Short replied on Permalink
Stop this. We don't want privatisation. There is too much already which often undercut costs but provide poor quality services.
Ed Marks replied on Permalink
Healthcare is not a commodity to be sold to those that can afford it. The American system is hopelessly inefficient, and so costly that millions of Americans simply cannot afford health insurance, so have no access to healthcare.
Kate Withers replied on Permalink
The NHS was meant to ensure health care for British citizens from birth until death and the people pay into this scheme via British national insurance contributions. It is THE BEST service in the world and recognised as such. To sell it off is a disgrace and means that the British peoples’ health will no longer be the priority. It will cost the British people more money for a worse service. If the current pandemic has taught us one thing, it is the quality of care we have within our health service is second to NONE. Maybe the government, who are supposed to represent their people, should listen to us and act on our wishes and not sell us out to foreigners who will not give a damn about the British people!!!
Michelle Floyd replied on Permalink
Please reverse these steps towards privitisato
Neil Forshaw replied on Permalink
This is sheer hypocracy after the NHS has worked so hard for everyone through the Covid19 even saving the PM's life.
Diana Tickell replied on Permalink
This White Paper Bill is a disgrace. We must protect the NHS. Immediate action must be taken.
Sue Underwood replied on Permalink
This privatisation bill needs to be stopped before the health of our country is severely compromised. Private industry has consistently proved to be untrustworthy, expensive and ineffective. We only have to look at the Test and Trace fiasco. Millions given to a company that did not deliver when it could have gone to the NHS on the frontline services.
Marian Clarke replied on Permalink
Keep the Americans and private companies out of our NHS.
Graham Warwick replied on Permalink
The Tories have never forgiven the Atlee government for the NHS and have been working subtly to undermine it for years. Now the gloves are off and they'll stop at nothing to return us to a watered-down version of pre-war medicine
Jane Wolstenholme replied on Permalink
No private company will ever work and run a business as a not for profit operation,and definitely will not advocate sensible salaries for top managers. It's shocking that the Govt dare to destroy the NHS. So many private companies fail abysmally and need rescuing,we're are talking about health services here, no room for incompetent private and greedy companies. History will look at this govt with shame,just as history looks at the slave trade.
Andy Fiore replied on Permalink
A National Strike and civil disobedience campaign to save our NHS from privatisation!
Nicola Tricker replied on Permalink
This cannot be allowed to happen!
Carol Locke replied on Permalink
Stop the white paper bill it’s not want people want . It’s another rip off of our NHS
Nicola Griffiths replied on Permalink
This white paper is privatisation by the backdoor.
Withdraw this .
The NHS is not for sale and the public will not tolerate your attempts
Kathleen Mary Smith replied on Permalink
I say NO to these proposals because what the NHS needs now is transparent accountability to the taxpayer (bring back the Audit Commission) and not more undemocratic, secretive crony-led deals that allow public money to be sneaked away into private hands.
There is a social care crisis - but this is not the solution.
Terence Regan replied on Permalink
The NHS is OUR health care not the governments to hand out to friends in the private sector and should be kept as a not for profit service. The government do not want to give staff pay rises because it makes it less desirable.
Christine Pedder replied on Permalink
Absolutely no to this
Robin Davison replied on Permalink
As proven during the pandemic, privatisation is not the way forward.
Matt21t replied on Permalink
Our healthcare should be for all not those that can afford it or even worse individuals being excluded due to medical conditions as insurance companies will note cover chronic or life limiting conditions as there is no profit in it for them.
Robert Parkin replied on Permalink
Stop this bill now, in the long term it will only favour the wealthy, to the detriment of the poor.
Hazel Dickinson replied on Permalink
This bill must not be passed. Has this country gone to the dogs without anyone speaking up.
Keith Adrian German replied on Permalink
Stop the bill now
Margaret Brobin replied on Permalink
Learn lessons. The NHS works well Track and Trace was private and abysmal.
Terence Adrian Cook replied on Permalink
I think what this government forgets is that we all own the NHS.....
Carol replied on Permalink
This is not the reward for all the NHS is doing.
Claire replied on Permalink
Stop destroying our nhs
Gareth Williams replied on Permalink
If the nhs can make a profit then clearly that should be ploughed back into the system not put into shareholders pockets. NO to the proposed White paper!!!
Anne McCorry replied on Permalink
If life was a thing that money could buy
The rich would live and the poor would die
This WILL happen if we don’t fight for our NHS
Evely Welsh replied on Permalink
If we don't take action now and this bill passes then so will the NHS and those who depend on it will suffer hugely. It must be stopped.
Vivienne Skinner replied on Permalink
Please stop this bill. The NHS needs to remain socialised, free at the point of access and run for people not profit.
Alex Lawson replied on Permalink
Over the past year, we have seen the efficacy of our National Health System in action. Despite the ideologically-driven interference and cronyism of the UK government, our NHS has performed magnificently in comparison to other nation's services. We do not want privatisation by stealth. Privatised systems do not work for the general population of a nation, particularly the poorest and most vulnerable. There is no reason to introduce these practices into the NHS, except for private gain. It does not benefit us.
mark murphy replied on Permalink
Through this whole pandemic, one of the few organisations to come out of it with any credit is the NHS. Private companies have failed us almost every step of the way.
So keep the NHS out of the hands of private companies and make certain the decisions are kept away from them.
Keep the NHS fully publicly funded and controlled.
Scrap the white paper!
Anonymous replied on Permalink
I do not agree. The NHS should always be public domain.
Margaret Grainge replied on Permalink
The NHS is owned by the public for the public and in NO way should it be linked to private investors who only want their shares of the profits and have zero concern for the people! All profits should be re-invested in the NHS!
Rosalie Battye replied on Permalink
This bill is outrageous and NOT what the NHS is for. It should be scrapped immediately
Colin Elms replied on Permalink
Withdraw the white paper on privatizing the N.H.S. It was brought in to give health benefits to the British people,not profits for Americans or anyone else.
Vivien Bridson replied on Permalink
This is lunacy, it is selfish political dogma and fodder for cronies. It will send us back at a fast speed and is guaranteed to fail the poor, the average earner the small business, families all because the members of this government have been bent on this policy for years. It does not work. Has the Pandemic taught you nothing?
Joan Mercer replied on Permalink
This White Paper must be withdrawn.The NHS cannot be handed out to private companies
Robin Connolly replied on Permalink
Keep Our NHS for People - Not for profit.
Stephanie Rae replied on Permalink
This goes against everything the NHS stands for. Stop this privatisation immediately after
Terry S Bush replied on Permalink
Stop the carve up of our NHS. It will be less effective and efficient. Profits should not be made from peoples' misfortune. Stop voting for the tories, who are doing this to us, before it's too late.
William Gosnold replied on Permalink
Do not introduce a bill that could result in privatisation of our national health service.
Ray Gerlach replied on Permalink
The NHS was designed to give free health care for all - it must be kept that way .
PJB replied on Permalink
We must retain our NHS as it was meant to be; for people, not profit. People are not like goods on a conveyor belt; they are not for sale. I think most people would be willing to pay a bit more in tax to retain a truly public NHS.
David Hornsby replied on Permalink
Please stop this Bill!
PJB replied on Permalink
We must retain our NHS as it was meant to be; for people, not profit. People are not like goods on a conveyor belt; they are not for sale. I think most people would be willing to pay a bit more in tax to retain a truly public NHS.
David Ostle replied on Permalink
People first
Ian Kane replied on Permalink
The evidence of the abuse and misappropriation of public funding by placing it into inappropriate inefficient and poor performing private companies is evidence enough that the NHS is most efficient and cost beneficial when it is funded directly by and for the public and not for profit.
Brenda Scutts replied on Permalink
I believe that Boris Johnson stated that the NHS would not be part of the American Deal, is this his way of American Privatisation through the backdoor. This 1white paper should be withdrawn .the NHS belongs to the people it's not for sale.....
Gillian Spong replied on Permalink
This must be stopped immediately - our NHS belongs to the people NOT private companies. Each one of us needs to know and fight for OUR NHS
Elaine Nudd replied on Permalink
I am concerned about the move to manage the NHS using Integrated Care Systems, which will put large parts of the NHS into the hands of private businesses. Private management in many spheres of public life have proved to be costly and inefficient. The track and trace debacle is a case in point. The NHS is better managed by people within the NHS, who have greater knowledge and expertise. Please withdraw the white paper.
Yours sincerely
Elaine Nudd
David Blackman replied on Permalink
More private companies ( friends of friends in higher [places) to cream of profits
Michael Coleman replied on Permalink
To me it smacks of ‘too good to miss’ and ‘this offer will soon be withdrawn’ or let’s hurry up and rush it through while the voters are distracted by the pandemic!
Caroline White replied on Permalink
We need to de-privatise the NHS and cancel all PFI contracts.
Brian Major replied on Permalink
It is contrary to stated policies. It's a disastrous way to go.
Sheila Evans replied on Permalink
There is nothing I can add to this. The Government's disrespect with regards to the peoples nhs is despicable. The cronyism is scandalous and these plans need to be scrapped immediately.
Bob Hinshelwood replied on Permalink
It is about conflict of interest. Ther will always be some degree of conflict in the helping and caring sevrices -- such as doing good for others, and feeling ssatisfied in oneswelf. The important principle is not to increase it more than absolutely necessary. Privatisation introduces a financial conflict of interest on top of the other conflicts. It is unetical to knowingly increase conflicts of interest when quite unnecessary.
Russell Tabbenor replied on Permalink
Please stop this action, it’s not in the public interest
Irene Plumb replied on Permalink
This is a step backwards.We have seen what happens with privatisation
David John Hunt replied on Permalink
My family have benefited enormously from the NHS because the focus has been on high quality clinical care and not on making profits. We have friends in other countries where the care is either partly or wholly privatised and it is abundantly clear to them and to us that the NHS provides a much better service. So I urge you to exclude profit driven organisations from any planning or management roles in the NMS and to ensure where such organisations are permitted to tender for NHS work that the contracting processes are fair and transparent and properly srutinised and evaluated. So I'm asking for the exact opposite of the way the government has handled the PPE and test and trace contracts in dealing with the current CoVid pandemic.
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